Alex's Alliterative Adventures

Thoughts on Programming, Life, and Travel

Jante Law

I’ve caught whatever bug’s currently hitting the students over here, so here’s a post I wrote when I got back from Aarhus. See kids, planning ahead means you can pass out and feel kind of like dying with no repercussions. 


A Norwegian/Danish author once created a concept describing Denmark’s culture, referred to as the Jante Law. Roughly paraphrased, it means that Danish society frowns upon those who intentionally try to make themselves better than others, or to wield one’s accomplishments over your neighbours’ heads. Although this is seen as a negative aspect of Danish culture, I find it really refreshing.  I like to judge my worth based on my own accomplishments, and how far I’ve come from where and who I once was in life.  I’ve never understood why people get so hung up on comparing themselves to those around them.  There are a near infinite number of people who are better than you at something, and they will always be better than you at that one thing, no matter how hard you try.  You will also meet countless people that you might be tempted to feel superior to for one reason or another. I don’t see the point in competing with your peers, you can’t ever really connect to someone if you’re constantly sizing them up to see which arbitrary pissing contest you can best them at this time. I’m not talking about sports or other set competitions, I’m talking about defining yourself as a person. It’s comforting to know that there’s an entire country that looks down on the idea of emphasizing the differences between people instead of their similarities.  But hey, what do I know.


4 Comments so far

  1. Grandma September 13th, 2006 3:40 pm

    Are you sure that it is a bug? With all your trips and parties I think that you are just having a hang over and are exhausted or is it just an excuse not to go to class. I like yor epistle true words of wisdom.

  2. Alex September 14th, 2006 3:22 am

    Seeing as my deseased school partner infected me, yes, I’m sure. And I didn’t skip any classes, only parties.

  3. Grandma September 14th, 2006 6:09 am

    I hope that you had him/her cremated we don’t want bugs hanging around.

  4. Alex September 14th, 2006 8:15 am

    I need him for the next few assignments. After that, who knows.

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