Alex's Alliterative Adventures

Thoughts on Programming, Life, and Travel

Svenska 101

A quick lesson in Swedish.  If you ever need to greet someone in Swedish or find yourself desperately trying to impress a hot Swedish chick who’s said hello, keep this typical greeting in mind:

Greeting: Hej! Hur är laget?

Response: Under kontroll.


Best.  Language.  Ever.


3 Comments so far

  1. Kev August 21st, 2006 6:37 pm

    awesome haha, now how do you pronounce it?

  2. Dad August 21st, 2006 8:32 pm

    Here’s a site with even *more* phrases.
    I kind like “Skapligt/Hyfsat” myself. Just rrrrrrrrrolls
    off the tongue.

  3. Alex August 22nd, 2006 12:42 am

    That website seems to be a pretty good authority. The respose goes something like “Oohn-Dar Con-Troll”. Then again, my pronunciation is terrible, so don’t listen to me.

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