Sweden’s weather is just plain weird. A perfect cloudless day will change to a torrential downpour with the occasional airborne cat and back in the span of ten minutes. It might be because it’s a small country that’s surrounded by sea, I don’t know, but for one reason or another the clouds here fly much lower and faster than I’m used to, which explains the schizophrenic weather patterns.Living under a perpetually turmoiled sky makes for some great, if not risky, cloud watching. Shapes are fleeting and impermanent, and yet their closeness makes them more tangible, as if you could take them home in a jar or leap up and glide among them. Watching the heavens makes a part of you think that you’re stuck in one of those time-lapse scenes in a documentary, except the people around you have conveniently forgotten that they are supposed to be fast-forwarding.
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I had no idea that you were a poet at heart – Your description gave me a fantastic picture of Swedish weather The only thing missing was that it should have been raining dogs as well as cats.
I haven’t seen too many dogs here. The dogs were in Denmark.